Monday, September 10, 2018

What's Next

The next book close to being ready for publishing is not a Ghost Unit book but it is related to that Series. In Ghost Unit Book 3, Wanna Play, Blaster and Jas spend some time in a Pirate’s hidden retreat in the Everglades. The story of that pirate’s current descendants is a contemporary romance and mystery

. Lost pirate treasure draws the nastiest sort of people. Yet that’s not the worst thing old Pirate Collin left his only legitimate heir.


lorir said...

When will Long Shot be published? I read the preview and can't wait to read it!

Anonymous said...

Yes, eagerly waiting for Long Shot also, but really, just ready for anything from you! Where have you been?! I miss your stories!

Gail Faulkner said...

Thank you so much. I'm honored to hear from you. Yeah, I've not been able to publish new material for way to long.

Long Shot received a load of push-back from my reading partner. Which is exactly her job. It didn't find it's path and we couldn't agree on several key elements. However, it is not abandoned...just re-visioned.Translation, that one need some WORK.

lorir said...

OMG that makes me sad. Reading the preview I thought it was great!

Alyssa said...

Am very excited to hear from you again. Happy to read whatever you write!!

Anonymous said...

Sure would love to see another novel. Its been too long...

Sunflower said...

Gail, today I suddenly thought of the very first book of Ghost Unit but I could not remember the title or the author; the plot is very vivid in my mind, though! I had to hunt down the book in the thousands of titles in my cloud library. And then when I discovered (or rather was reminded) that you are the author, I went to your Amazon author page to see if you've put out anything new, because I really LOVED Full Ride. I still remember the story so clearly although I read it five years ago! Hope you are well, looking forward to more from you soon.

Anonymous said...

Glad to see you writing again! I add my voice to the chorus for not only Ghost Unit sequels (and Perfectly Exposed sequels!) but a sequel to Darius, one of my favorites.

Write on, girl! ;)