Monday, April 23, 2007

Writing an Agent is the same as...

I probably should not fill in that blank. It'll come back to haunt me. However, I'm struggling to write a query letter. After much research I've come to the conclusion this document must be a miracle of creative writing. I stand in aw of all those who've mastered this form.

I've avoided the query process so far. My first manuscript I didn't know I was supposed to query. Luckily Ellora's Cave personnel actually looked at the manuscript sent in by the obvious fool. They gave it to an editor who has earn her angel wings over and over again. She wouldn't let me give up on that story. Since then I've learned a thing or two. I can't say I'm happier for knowing how fantastically lucky I was. Mostly because one can not expect the lightening of luck to follow at our heals like a puppy.

So I get to bleed ink now. Writhe in pain over the puzzle of what is a good hook and what isn't. What to include in query letter, what not to. How does a synop actually tell the story and still be riveting reading????

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