Friday, April 11, 2008

hand me a fan!

Have to say, this Wicked Beast is making me crazy. In a good way. Had to take a break from writing because... um... well, we will not discus exactly why, but daymmmm I need a fan.

One thing about Voice Recognition Software that I didn't expect, it makes a book longer. It's so easy to get the words on the page that an author can let the book take off. I had planed for WICKED BEAST to be Novel size. Now I'm thinking it might have to push past that.

Hope everyone has a good weekend.


Anonymous said...

Oh good, love long,big...books! LOL!
And I was planning on askin' you a question about doing...umm readin' the sex scenes out loud


Linda said...

Novel Plus! Brilliant!! And with a dragon. Awesome. I'm so glad that voice recognition thing is working for you. Sounds like we're going to benefit from it too.