Friday, August 26, 2011

East Cost, Big Wind? Ah...Hurricane

Praying for the people who don't get how serious Mother Nature is feeling this weekend.


Wednesday, August 24, 2011


One love scene to write in the book and its done. Sounds simple enough. pffttttttttttttttt!!!!

It's the final love scene and I had left it 'til last because one needs to be in right frame of mind to write a gripping, emotionally charged, final for the hero and heroine. It was the only job I had today. The one thing to do before merrily sending this huge, plus novel to be read by my talented, gifted reader.

Now I'm ready to bludgeon close blood relations and bury the body in the garden. Doesn't matter that its only eleven thirty, the entire day is shot for writing. Being mad, frustrated, irritated, and a freaking lot more words that sharply decline in morality and points at my own heritage, straight screws with creativity much less the ability to write compelling sex.


...with all of them.

I feel a little better. Doesn't get me back to writing the good stuff.

People have no idea how they destroy a creative mind's ability to function with interruptions. One can't just stop, deal with your little trauma, then get back to the same creative place. Its impossible. I can't seem to get this across. The words fail to penetrate. It's like I'm speaking Greek to the host of Hungarians. It seems non-creative people have no ability to even imagine how this feels. They do not stop.

Yeah, I'm ranting. Not really off the mad yet.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

This and That

I enjoy fall. Something about crisp mornings and chilly evenings. Its not the end of summer so much as it is the start of change. New school year, new fashion, new holidays... fall is the start of so many things.

This fall I am loving the outlook. Two books contracted and several more in the works. I get to focus on the voices in my head undisturbed for long periods of time and well, that's just fun.

I don't really have any news. No release dates or even covers to announce. Those will come soon enough.

Hope you are enjoying your fall as well.

Friday, August 5, 2011

So I sent in the manuscript..

There was much happy dancing and joy until the pesky contract subject. Seems we must wait weeks for that department to send new version. Good thing the other manuscript has a signed contract and just needs a few changes to get it out.

Much deflated but still, news is this:  Two books coming from EC in the near future. "Near" being a relative term. I'm excited!

Can't remember if I've posted about ANY PRICE. I know I've put some info up from WICKED BEAST.

More news to follow....sometime. lol