Friday, June 22, 2007

WANNA PLAY - blurb preview

I was asked to share the blurb and the time it's gonna take me to make a grid and put it beside the cover in the excerpt section of my website is longer than I have today. So here it is and I'll figure the other thing when I have time.

Wanna Play
Gail Faulkner
Genre: Romantic Suspense, Contemporary, Rated E

Ghost Unit, Book Three

Even her walk made him swallow. The stroll of a huntress—a little arrogant, a lot dangerous. Damn, he loved danger. He’d never seen menace so perfectly packaged in a woman. Wanting her was intoxicatingly forbidden and totally pagan.

Jas watched the beast try to look harmless as he entered her world. Testosterone-enhanced confidence rolling off him spoke of a deadly animal. He was muscle and guile below the face of a naughty angel. Summoned by someone she trusted to solve her problems, Jas wanted to trust him and, ohhh baby, she wanted to play with that beast. Too bad they wouldn’t have time.

It would have been Blaster’s pleasure to take care of whatever threatened her, but earning her trust required respecting her right to combat. What drove him crazy was she wouldn’t let him be the shield at her back as she did it. That *@*!!#! crap had to stop.

An old enemy had shaped her into a living weapon. Now it was coming again. Making the threat deadly to her family was a huge mistake. Bad Guy needed to bring his A Game, she was playing for Final win.

Reader Advisory: This is an action novel with two short instances of violence that may not be for the faint of heart.

Friday, June 15, 2007

WANNA PLAY- excerpt because I like these two so much!

Jas opened her eyes and realized the sun had come up at some point. The next thing she noticed was Blaster splashing out of the water, using his shirt to dry himself off hurriedly. Then she heard it, the distinctive drone of an airboat engine. It was close and coming in fast. She managed to prop herself up on her elbows when the engine cut off below them. Two seconds later a voice bellowed up at them.

“Blaster! Jas! Put your damn clothes on and get out here.”

Jas frowned. Standing, she clamped a hand over each breast and hurried to the low wall to answer. The wall was barely high enough to cover her mound but since Jackson would be looking up it didn’t concern her. Blaster was pulling on his pants when she reached the wall alone.

“What happened?” Jas demanded sharply.

Jackson stood in his airboat, not bothering to even step onto the dock, and gazed up at her in silence.

“Well?” she prompted impatiently.

“I said, put your clothes on,” Jackson repeated, frowning darkly. “How am I supposed to remember a damn thing with you standing there looking like some pinup?”

“Get a grip! This is more than most bikinis. What happened?”

“But you’re holding your…” Jackson shook his head. “You have no idea, do you?”

Blaster strode up behind Jas and draped his damp shirt around the front of her like a straight jacket with the buttons in back. “Now tell us why you’re here,” he directed calmly.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Okay, I LOVE IT! Hope you do too! Look ----->

Following the Rulz

I’ve read repeated blogland statements that the review blogs are for readers and authors should keep their noses out. Okay, I’ll give ya that. Authors need to be about the business of writing good books and readers get to say whatever they want about them. I agree.

Then I keep reading –while sneaking onto the now forbidden review blogs- that authors “should” keep better websites. Update them continually to keep them fascinating and fresh for the readers visiting.

I can only speak for myself, but heck, I don’t have time to update the website daily. If I did, I wouldn’t be writing much. Being a writer is not code word for computer web-master. Not every writer can afford both the headache and the cost. Not every writer wants to, just as every reader does not have a web site.

I was lucky enough to have the web designer in my family. Then I do have a dangerous interest in computers. I say dangerous because I know just enough to cause the worst possible problem if I do something wrong. But mostly I just want to write. -le sigh-

On the other hand, I really like interacting with people who wanna talk to authors. I know, not everyone wants to, but it's nice to hear from readers. A website is a great tool, especially for an Epublished author.

The only point I'm after is, I hope I'm a better writer than web-mistress. I hope my fellow authors are too. I love reading great books.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

What to write?

After reading the list the list of NO No's at -I'd post the link if I could figure how to do it- I am faced with the dilema of what can I safely write about? As a friend of mine says while quoting a friend of hers -le sigh!-

So I guess it's back to the world I rule ----rarrrrrrrrrrrrrr! LOL

writer sinking back into the computer and the world that is all hers

Friday, June 8, 2007

WANNA PLAY, Ghost Unit

July 6 is coming! Blaster and Jaz will be here soon. I'm so excited. Here's an excerpt in case you're not as excited as I am.

Blaster inhaled her scent deeply as she stilled. It was a heady mix of tropical spice, woman and gun oil. He was probably one of the few males on the planet who’d pick up how well she cared for her weapons this way and then be turned on by it.

Her sensuous body caressing his was a perfect fit. They matched hipbone to hipbone, chest to chest. Her intention might have been to intimidate him with her brand of formidable sexuality but that certainly wasn’t the result. Oh yeah, she’d affected him. Course she could do that from across the room, but she wasn’t going to get his idiot head in command of his body just yet.

Blaster’s voice rumbled up from the knot of lust below his belt buckle. “And unless you mean for us to show Barry how very carnal a sex scene can be, ease up on the teasing. You have my full attention in every way.” That wasn’t the most brilliant bit of reasoning. Was the best he could come up with from a brain currently starved for blood. He’d have to send out a rescue party to coax some of it back north again. Up close and personal, she was kryptonite to his superman.

Jas slowly peeled herself off Blaster, watching him closely. She was surprised. He met her gaze without blinking. The heat in his expression left no doubt that he’d enjoyed her play, though he’d not moved a muscle to touch her. She suspected she hadn’t won that little skirmish. His warning to ease up followed by a confession of lust was aggression followed by surrender. Sly shit. He flung the command to stop out there then canceled the aggressive move too quickly for her to respond to it. That tactic left him in control.

Barry chuckled. “I can see the sparks from here. No one is gonna believe you two aren’t sleeping together. See how easily that works? I even give you permission to dress him up if you want to, Jas, but let’s get back to the problem.”

“Dress me up? What the fuck is that supposed to mean and who are you to be giving permission?” Blaster couldn’t look away from her as he flung the indignant question at Barry. He was trying to drag his eyes off her. Lord knew he needed to for sanity’s sake.

Jas grinned as she turned her back on him and strode away. It was a view she knew he enjoyed. He might have won that one. No reason not to make him pay a price for winning.